Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Tidying Up the Laundry Room

The laundry room/space – the literally cleanest place into your since it used for just that – cleaning! At times though the dirty clothes and detergent bottoms can become overwhelming it is important to stay organized! Below are few tips to help you out!
Household Essentials StowAway In-Wall Ironing Board - White1.            And most important – Use your space efficiently! - Have shelving or cabinets installed for storage. Consider using an in wall ironing board, like from Target, as shown to the right and/or an installed drying rack that can extend from the wall from Etsy, and shown below
2.            Organize your shelves- First, toss out anything that has been pushed in the back and is never used. Second, try to consolidate your items. If you have multiple detergents opened, then start using the ones with the lowest amount so you can toss it the fastest. Try taking your dryer sheets and placing them in Tupperware, not only will you condense the number or boxes you have, but it will also keep the smell locked in tight. Lastly, try lining your shelves. With gooey detergents oozing from the bottle, it will save the face of the shelf, and you can also just throw the liner away as needed. Not to mention, pretty patterned liners also add a nice ascetically pleasing look to you laundry room. After all, who said the laundry room needed to look boring?

3.            Control the clutter! – That’s right, organize your shelves by category. Try using baskets from <LINK> or from <LINK> to hold all of washing machine needs and another for your dryer. If you keep sewing supplies in your cabinet, make another box to help you. Sort towels on another shelf, cleaning supplies or other miscellaneous items as needed in the space in their own section.

4.                   Fourth, not certainly by far not the least important is you need to remember to maintain your washer and dryer! After all, could you imagine the mess that would accumulate if you did not have a washer and dryer? First, be sure to clean out your dryer vents! Don’t just wipe away the buildup that has formed but be sure to rinse it out with soap and water every now and again. Secondly, while you are at washing your dryer vent, wipe down your machines as well. There is nothing wrong with keeping the machines clean from all of the excess detergent that may have dripped or from the dust that has accumulated! Lastly, every once in a while, take the time to use your muscles and pull the washer and dryer out, and away from the wall. Take the time to sweep behind that machines, you never know, you may even find the other pair to your sock!
Should you have any questions or need assistance in your own space please feel free to visit my or contact via email at:

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Simply Life Magazine

Simply Life Magazine - September Issue

With September here, I thought what better time to then begin my new project, Simply Life Magazine. Each month I will issue a small internet magazine showcasing a monthly theme. This month, gardening! I hope you enjoy! Should you have any questions or need assistance in your own space please feel free to visit my or contact via email at:

Should you have any questions or need assistance in your own space please feel free to visit my or contact via email at:

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Spring Cleaning - Organizing the Garage!

Spring Cleaning - Organizing the Garage!

The garage is a best storage area in your home for items that are rarely used, i.e. season decorations, children’s baby momentum's or the tuba you played way back in high school. Although the garage is a large area it and quickly become a M-E-S-S! One box becomes two, then 10 and soon enough you cannot fit your car, let alone your bike inside! What to do, what to do…

Step 1. Organize your boxes! Go through your decorations, your knick knacks and decide what is worth keeping. Ask yourself, does this item have any meaning to you? If not, do you see yourself using it in the near future? If the answer is no to both, then it is time to toss! Check to see if the item is broken and if it if irreparable then you just cleared up another spot in your box!

Step 2. Color coordinating and Labels! I like to place my items in color coordinated boxes. Green for Christmas, red of spring and gray for misc. Also LABELS ARE KEY! Every box should be labeled. I like to chalkboard the front of my boxes so I can change the label as needed. It also help if you have the room to give a general count for the items inside. 

Green storage bin                                 Gray storage bin

(Photo used from

Step 3. Place the boxes in order of their use. If the tuba is have-to-have keepsake, and of course the baby momentum's then place it in the far back of the attic. Followed by seasonal decorations, camping equipment, beach toys or additional crafting supplies.

I would love to hear your ideas on improving the organization in your garage! Please feel free to share your comments/tips/questions below!
Should you have any questions or need assistance in your own space please feel free to visit my or contact via email at:

Thursday, May 1, 2014

High 5 for Friday! - Great Gatsby themed hotel

High 5 for Friday!
My week consisted of pulling specs, making a budget and creating a presentation board for a boutique hotel. It never seizes to amaze me the amount of time that goes into each project! First step to designing a space is to come up with a concept for the design. The concept I chose for the Chicago boutique hotel is 1920's with emphasis from the movie, The Great Gatsby. I wanted a design that had a modern design, but with classic traditional touches, just like the inspiration I found below:
I wanted to the repeat the past in my design, but I didn't want the space to look just plain "old". The next step to design is specking your furniture pieces! This is where the time consumption takes into place! You want to source pieces that stay within the design theme you are going with to make the space whole. I sourced my main focal point furniture pieces to emulate the 1920s such as the sofa, lounge chair and headboard. Velvets, tufting, Walnut lumber, and mirrors were a main source of design in the 20s so I knew I had to incorporate them into my design. Below is the tufted headboard and a classic lounge chair I choose:
Both pieces are from
I mixed these two traditional pieces with a modern contemporary style of furniture such as a mirrored console for the sitting room and nightstand for the bedroom :
For bedding, I wanted a simple and classic look. With my walls being so full of detail, the bedding would be a focal point by it class simplicity. I chose the Restoration Hardware commercial grade bedding below:
For lighting, what says 1920s and Great Gatsby more than a chandelier? I chose a variety of chandeliers from Restoration Hardware that are absolutely stunning:
Above: 2 of these 19" round chandeliers would be installed on both sides of the bedrooms headboard. By hanging chandeliers, instead of nightstand lights, it adds a touch of glamour and class to the space.

 Above: Since the 19" chandeliers do allow a substantial amount of light in the room, the above 31" Chandelier would also be installed centrally in the ceiling.  
 Above: This 43" round chandelier would be installed centerally in the sitting room. Due to two of the walls all be windows and open to the downtown Chicago, I found additional light was not needed in the space and therefore the main focal point would be this beautiful chandlier 
Above: To continue with the theme of the chandeliers, I found the above 49" rectangle chandelier for the bathroom. Again, just adding a touch of class to the space, rather than the normal fluoresce commercial light.
I pulled the 1920's look together with additional accent pieces, mostly from Wayfair and Restoration Hardware:
Above: This is a commercial replicated phone used for hotel rooms. I thought that a modern push dial phone would pull away from the retro design I was achieving.

 Above: Being in Chicago in the winter can be cold! So I would have a coat rack placed right when you walk into the space. This coatrack is from Wayfair and it made from iron metal.
 Above: Crystal doorknobs! What a fun way to add character to a space, right?
 Above: With all of the pieces being so modern I wanted a piece centrally located in the sitting room to really stand out and scream 1920s! I found this lift top trunk that I thought would be perfect!
Above: I am in LOVE with this piece! Such a unique find from Restoration Hardware. This is an IPHONE gramophone radio. Again, a modern touch on a classic piece.
For wall coverings I chose to inset moldings of black on the outside and white on the inside. The below wall covering from Innovations Wall covering would be installed in the moldings with 1 to 3 moldings on each wall:
                        Above is the wall covering pattern      Above is the actual wall covering
                                                                                     with a design in beaded glass
I wanted the bathroom to scream glamour and glitz! I chose a Ralph Lauren Shimmer line of dark brown called, Molten Penny and used a Delta line called Delta Victorian bronze for bathroom finishes. I chose a white glazed tile for the shower that would tie to the white cerra  countertop on the vanity. For wall décor I chose to install two high mirrors and 1920's glamour shots of women.

Above is a pieced together look of what the bathroom would look like.
Notice the curve in the mirrors match the curve in the vanity, which match the curve the headboard and lounge chair that is also in the curvy wall covering. By repeating the curve it helps piece the separate rooms together (sitting room, bathroom and bedroom)
So now that you have a design concept, inspiration, and your furniture specified it is time to put your design together for a client. There are a number of ways you can showcase your design. 1. you can create a digital rendering of the space, 2. you can create a digital board, 3. A notebook with all of your specifications, budgets and floor plans or 4th, the option I chose to do, along with option 3, a presentation board with the actual materials for the client to touch and feel. Below is my final project:
Should you have any questions regarding the pieces I specified for or your own design help please feel free to visit my website or contact via email at:

Camerons Bunker

Cameron, a friend of mine came to me with an interest of redesigning his bedroom a couple of weeks ago. Tired of blank white walls, and a cluttered space, he requested something that fit his new mature bachelor personality. In this space he wanted to have an industrial contemporary design featuring natural woods, neutral color scheme, storage solutions for office area and vintage military accents.
Below is the design concept board I have created for his space. A wood pallet wall will offer the rustic finish he was desiring and adding a lot of interest without having a room look cluttered. The bookshelves offer plenty of storage for his books, and military accent pieces so clutter will no longer be a problem. A vintage Vietnam war ammo box will be installed under his mounted television, which will hold his cable box, and game system. By mounting the ammo box, it will relieve the necessity for additional furniture in the room and will keep the floor plan more open. We will be using Glidden Granite Grey on he wall, which is a masculine deep gray but not too dark to make the room look closed in. All specified furniture is from Targets Threshold line and all vintage military accents have been found at local antique shops. I feel this design will give Cameron the ascetically pleasing space he desires, while still functioning properly for his office needs. I look forward to posting pictures in a couple of weeks when the project is complete!

Should you have any questions or need assistance in your own space please feel free to visit my website or contact via email at:

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Tuesdays Tip of the Week! 5.06.14

Organization is not always about organizing your physical items or space(s). In fact, organization has to start within your mind to become a part of your life. One must be motivated and have goals to succeed in organization. Without motivation and goals you will find your clutter spaces will just reappear in a few months. To stay on track the thing to do is make lists! Not only make a list of your goals, but for everything. Below are some great ways to help you stay on track!

Use Post-It notes to help you remember your weekly goals! Each week, rip them off and start new!

Chalk boards are a great way to stay mentally organized as well! Use a menu to help you plan meals throughout the week. Think how less stressed you would have to be to come home after a day of work, to have dinner already planned out, so you don't have to search through your cupboards to see if all ingredients are there. 
The HUBBY-DO-LIST! I use this list in my home everyday! My husband is not always the biggest fan but it keeps the necessities in track and things get done! In my home I even painted the inside of my medicine cabinet with chalkboard for my own daily reminders!
Should you have any questions or need assistance in your own space please feel free to visit my website or contact via email at:

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Tuesdays Tip of the Week! 4.22.14

I love to re-purpose items! So if I be crafty and re-purpose something while organizing, we have a definite PLUS! I am absolutely in love with the idea below from HGTV and will definite be making one this weekend! Not only would be great for sewing and crafts, but you could also make one for your kitchen. Perhaps you can fill it with fruit or spices. There are so many fun possibilities!

Items needed:
Lazy Susan
Hot glue
3 Cake Pans
2 Candle Sticks
Can of spray paint

Should you have any questions or need assistance in your own space please feel free to visit my website or contact via email at:

Sunday, April 20, 2014

High Five for Friday!

This has been quite the week of adventures! Non stop there for a while and exhausted is an understatement for me right now, so much so that I ended up catching the flu! wah wah.... But enough with the bad and in with the good!
1. For starters my husband, Billy and I got to attend the Craig Morgan concert with a few of our friends. If you have not seen him live, I highly recommend it! He is A-M-A-Z-I-N-G! He sounds just likes his tracks and has so many number 1 hits to keep you singing along!

2. On Saturday, Billy and I got to attend the Long Beach Grand Prix indy car race! If you have not never of it, then it is definitly something to check out in the future. Every year the city of Long Beach, CA closes down the street and host an indy car race. The event is large with an expo hall, grand stands everywhere and of course, cars, cars, cars! My parents have always volunteered to the work, so we got to spend some time here and there with them as wekl. An even bigger PLUS is that my cousin happens to be on the pit crew for Fuzzies and to our excitement, THEY WON! To the right is photo of Billy and I with my parents.
3. Along with AutoCAD this semester, I have begun taking Revit. Revit is an additional interior design software used to design buildings and interior rooms. AutoCAD was a little difficult to get going on but find Revit to be a breeze. In two weeks I have been able to design a cabin and a two story home! I cant wait to post some of the fun projects I will be creating in the future! 4.I officially have my first interior design project! My friend Cameron came to me two weeks with the desire to make over his bedroom. We have come up wth a design and I have specified all of the furniture out. I am excited to have photos up of the finish project in a couple of weeks to share! In the mean time, I will posting a separate blog explaining my design concept and board! 5. I love reading The Small Things Blog ( and have been able to get a number of friends to follow Kate as well. This week though I stubbled across a new blog that I love, love, love called Tatertots and Jello ( I have found myself in the past clicking on numerous pinterests pictures that lead me to this blog so I finally took the time to read. The blog features so many cute ideas from organizing, to decorating to DIY. Check it out! That's all for me this week! Have wonderful weekend and a Happy eater!

Should you have any questions or need assistance in your own space please feel free to visit my website or contact via email at:

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Tuesdays Tip of the Week! 4.15.14

While on Pinterest this week I came across an article called 10 Ways to store fabric. Since I am an avid trying to be an avid sewer, I have looking for  useful tips to on storing my fabric. Currently I have been folding them neatly and placing them in a plastic set of drawers but my collection is starting to grow rapidly. Please feel free to read the article on 10 ways to store fabrics. Below are my top 3 ways that were featured;

Use/Make mini bolts for your fabric and display them on shelves

 Thinking Closet choose a hanging file rack to help store her fabrics!
I just love the look of how they stored the fabric above! Even when organizing you can make things ascetically pleasing while functional! Check out a few different hanging ideas at Craft Aholics Anonymous

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Tuesdays Tip of the Week! 4.07.14

My bathroom can never seem to keep clean while getting ready in the morning. By the end of getting ready I have a my blow dryer, straightener, hairspray, brush, comb, bobby pins, and that is just some of my hair products! Let alone my toothpaste, deodorant, perfume, etc. To help tackle the counter top clutter I like to use a plastic tub to keep my morning rituals in. In my tub I keep my fash wash, lotions, perfume and hairspray. As I get ready in the morning, I simply pull the products out and place them right back in as I use them. Once I am finished getting ready all I have to do is place the tub under the sink and I am on my way! This quick and easy organizing tip is not only handy but will save you time! For ideas on products I suggest the following:
This bin is sold at Target!
Find this bin and similar ones at WayFair!

Should you have any questions or need assistance in your own space please feel free to visit my website or contact via email at:

Monday, April 7, 2014


Should you have any questions or need assistance in your own space please feel free to visit my website or contact via email at:

Friday, April 4, 2014

High 5 For Friday!

Whew! This has been a long week and I am ready for the weekend! This was my first week back from Spring Break. You would think I would be rested but NOPE, Not me! I spent my Spring Break getting caught up and ahead of my classes. I started my 6th class this week so I wanted to make sure I was ahead of my studies. Lucky for me, I love interior design, which makes homework feel less like work and more fun!

With that said, lets get down the top 5 highlights of my week:

1. My most exciting news came on Thursday when I had a vet appointment for my little Hunter. He cut his eye about 3 months ago (and after a few procedures and a lot of vet appointments later) the vet finally gave him the thumbs up! I am so relieved and thrilled! Since corgis have short little legs, Hunter has a hard time with wearing a cone. His little head gets stuck in the grass when he walks and I have had to hand feed him since he couldn't reach his food. He quite the little happy camper now that he is free from the "cone of shame"!

2. Since I am going to school for interior design, my confidence has been a little hesitant on how I would do in an architecture class. My classes latest project was designing a building for my schools Video Game Club. Well, I was very excited on Tuesday to find out I got an A on my project! Now onto my next project of headquarters building for Adidas, wish me luck!

3. On Thursday I got to spend the day with my sister Tara, and my newest little niece Alice. I cant believe she is already 3 months old! She loves to be held and her aunt Sammy loved getting to hold her! She was too precious giggling and smiling as we walked around the block twice leading up to her nap. Can't wait to be able to watch her again!

4. As I mentioned above I have started another class this week, giving me a compacted schedule of 6 classes for the next 8 weeks. I have been studying an interior design software called AutoCAD since February and am really getting the hang of it now! This week I started my BIM1 class which focuses on another design software called Revit. I am 2 classes in and I don't foresee any problems in this class!

5. For the past 4 years I have heard my husband tell his tall tales of him and his best baseball friends from when he played with Detroit Tigers. With getting to visit/live with him during his seasons I was fortunate to meet a number of them but there are still few I haven't. Well last weekend/early this week we had the pleasure of having his friend, Bryan Pounds stay with us. It was fun to hear/see the reenactment of these stories I have heard of firework mishaps and skinned knees of sliding into home. I want to wish him a good luck this season and we look forward to visiting him in Texas when he returns home.

Well that's a wrap on my week! On too thrift shopping, baseball games and homework for me this weekend! Have a wonderful week!

Should you have any questions or need assistance in your own space please feel free to visit my website or contact via email at: